IIPP Origins

The IIPP Hub is the official platform showcasing Institutional Investor-Public Partnerships (IIPPs).
Pioneered by Australian and Canadian specialised pension fund infrastructure investment platforms, the IIPP model was commonly referred to as the ‘Pensions-Public Partnerships’ model. The African Unions’ 5% institutional infrastructure investment agenda initiative adapted this and expanded it to include sovereign wealth funds and the broader institutional investment community, creating the first-of-its-kind, Institutional Investor Public-Partnership and Model Law Framework. Its purpose being to assist and equip emerging markets and developing countries to de-risk infrastructure investment in order to better meet their climate and infrastructure development private capital mobilisation goals.

A Partnership Between Governments and Institutional Investors
IIPPs uniquely bring on board citizen-driven domestic investors (i.e., in the pension funds which are the institutional investors) as catalytic participants in domestic and international infrastructure assets.
This is an innovative approach to creating partnerships between institutional investors (IIs) and governments.
IIPPs are a proven method of mobilising large pools of long-term, patient capital to invest in the development and maintenance of large-scale infrastructure assets for governments whose budgets are no longer able to finance these assets in the traditional fashion.

Aligned Interests
IIPPs were designed to align public finance and institutional investor mandates by unlocking and helping to deploy private operational and project development expertise and long-term institutional capital at scale, to well-structured, de-risked infrastructure assets around the globe, in partnership with governments.
IIPPs help to ensure that the investible assets meet their full potential. They seek to ensure projects are delivered on time and on budget and that they receive the required ongoing investment to ensure they are regularly and properly maintained.